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Restrictive & Non Restrictive Practices

Physical touch is an essential part of human relationships and staff working with children and young people may be required to have physical contact with the children and young people they are caring for. There are occasions where it is entirely appropriate for staff to have some physical contact with the children and young people for whom they are teaching. However, it is crucial that in all circumstances, staff only touch children in ways appropriate to their professional or agreed role and responsibilities. Touch can be used to facilitate relaxation or enable the child or young person to enjoy a positive emotional experience when in the sensory setting.

We recognises the positive use of physical contact, as staff are likely to experience many different scenarios involving physical contact (from light to firm pressure touch) with children and young people. When touch is used in context and with empathy and due regard for the learners dignity, it can be a means of providing care, comfort, communication, reassurance and safety.

It is recognised that within Hill View School there are children and young people for whom physical interventions may form part of a range of strategies required to meet their needs and to ensure the safety of others. These strategies must be used only once the relevant de-escalation strategies have been exhausted.

At Hill View School we adhere to the CPI Safety Intervention Programme. This programme is a Crisis behaviour management system designed as a safe, non-harmful approach to assist staff in the management of a wide range of crisis, distress, disruptive, challenging, aggressive, and violent behaviours, including the most acute behavioural disturbances and high-risk behaviour. The focus is on verbal and non-verbal de-escalation, prevention, and early intervention.


Hill View School is a member of the Restraint Reduction Network. The Restraint Reduction Network is a network of organisations and individuals committed to eliminating the unnecessary use of restrictive practices. Those aligned with the Network are committed to ensuring that services are safe, dignified and rights-respecting.

For more information about our approach please take a look at our 'Use of Physical Intervention featuring Safety Intervention (CPI)' policy.