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In this section you will find answers to frequently asked questions which you might find useful.

My child needs support  but I feel they are able to complete GCSE's. Will Hill View School offer GCSE's?

We will be offering a range of qualifications from Entry Level through to Level 2 qualifications. These will be determined by each Key Stage 4 cohort and discussed with Parent Carers in Year 9. It is important to recognise that a significant number of Hill View learners will struggle with the format of traditional GCSE's. We therefore ensure that qualifications are accessible and enable learners to clearly demonstrate what they know. These qualifications are relevant and purposeful, ensuring a route to employment or FE.

Hill View School looks too much like a 'School'

We strive to create a welcoming and engaging learning environment for all our learners. While we maintain certain aspects of a traditional school structure to ensure effective learning and organisation, we also incorporate innovative and creative elements to make the school experience enjoyable and inspiring for our learners.

We understand that each learner is on their own unique journey. Our trauma-responsive and relational approach ensures our dedicated staff meet learners exactly where they are, supporting them every step of the way. We foster a flexible learning environment that adapts to individual needs, promoting growth and success for all.

What information will be sent to families and children in readiness for September?

There is a good amount of information on our website, and it increases day by day. However, families will receive the following information in an induction pack:

  • Photos of key staff and their roles at Hill View School
  • Photos of classrooms and important spaces around Hill View (possibly a video)
  • Timetable
  • First fleece or hoodie
  • Letters of consent for trips and medication etc..
  • Social Stories where appropriate
  • Kit list with items that are allowed and not allowed
  • Transport plan (arrival and departure)
  • Start date
  • Mobile Phone policy

This is a universal offer, but some learners may receive additional information upon request to aid their transition.

When will families be contacted by Hill View School if a place has been agreed? 

At the moment we are finalising lists and have a couple of significant milestones to get past in readiness for our opening. This is taking a large amount of our time alongside Parent Carer tours. Once these have been completed, we will be putting all our energy into preparing for learners to join us. At that stage, a number of communications will be sent to families. (updated May 2024)

Will there be a chance to meet the teachers during the summer holidays?

We are hoping that this will be the case. It is difficult to have staff on site when they are under contract with other schools. However, we are looking at creative ways to organise some meetings through summer term 2 and into the summer holidays. Some of this will, of course, be determined by our staff's availability with their own family commitments during the summer break.

Will we be given a list of what children need to take to school and what they are not allowed?

A full induction pack is being prepared with all of those details.

Will families be given a start date and what happens on arrival at Hill View School?

The first week in September will not involve learners as we are training all staff during that week. This ensures all staff are on on the same page and practice aligns with our expectations. Learners will then start to join us from the 9th September. All of this will be explained in the induction pack.

We have applied for transport which has been agreed, do you know when we will find out pick up and drop off times and locations? 

Unfortunately, that is something we can't control. This information comes directly from LA Transport.

When will the uniform be available to purchase from School Wear? 

We have finalised the uniform and this should be available late June 2024.

Will there be member of staff to meet my child from their transport in the morning and will a member of staff ensure they get back on transport to return home? 

Yes, that is normal practice in a Special School.

Will my child need to take a PE kit in daily or will we be informed which day of the week it is needed?

You will know when PE is timetabled and if it is easier, kit can be kept at school.

For Year 11 transitions, which colleges will Hill View School be working with.

We will be working with all local colleges as well as other providers that offer supported employment and apprenticeships.

My child was feeling very positive when touring Hill View School, however, it was empty, I am concerned how they will cope when it is full of children as they get very overwhelmed which can cause them to become overwhelmed. 

It is important for those families that do not have experience of how a Special School functions that we understand this happens and that this is something we are well prepared to support. Our staff and our offer will accommodate every child’s needs and support any anxiety they have. We recognise that all Hill View School learners have been given a place at Hill View because they need something different. Please look at our website for more information.

Will there be weekly menus for school lunches so we can decide when our child will have a school lunch or if it would be more appropriate to have a packed lunch?

Yes, we have a Trust menu that is advertised and a system to buy lunches.

We are concerned about the number of children at any one time during lunch time. Currently my child is in a setting where there are only about 10 children at lunch, we really don't think she'll cope with 30.

A number of learners will need adaptations at lunchtime and as a Special School we are well versed in providing these adaptations. This might involve staggered lunch breaks or a completely alternative environment

We there be an opportunity to visit Hill View School again for another look around so my child can start getting used to the building to help with transition?

Yes, we will be offering further opportunities to visit Hill View School as we move closer to September. At the moment we are just recovering from a flood which has caused some areas to be quite noisy at the moment. This might not make a visit for some learners very productive. This will be resolved by the start of July. (Update May 2024)