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Hill View School Supporters

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors and Supporters

Hill View School extends our deepest gratitude to the businesses and organisations that have generously donated their time, resources, and expertise to support our school. Your contributions are invaluable in helping us create a nurturing and enriching learning environment for our learners.

We would like to specifically acknowledge the following companies for their exceptional support:

  • Battens Solicitors Limited: Thank you for your generous donation of £250. Your contribution will directly impact our learners by funding resources for our Key Stage 3 & 4 Sensory Circuit room.
  • ISG: We are grateful for your ongoing support to make the Hill View School building the very best it can be. Your support through recent challenges helping us recover and repair has been hugely appreciated.

Hill View School is a unique and vibrant special needs school, dedicated to providing exceptional education and support to children with diverse learning needs. By partnering with us, your business can make a profound impact on the lives of our learners and contribute to a more inclusive and supportive community.

We invite you to join our network of dedicated business partners who are committed to empowering children with special needs and building a more inclusive community. Together, we can create a world where every child, regardless of the challenges they face, has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

To learn more about partnership opportunities, please contact Stu Lambert (Headteacher) at