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School Lunches

Our School meals are provided by The Oak Partnership Trust kitchen at Hill View. We are lucky to have a kitchen on the school site and all meals are prepared on site by Dee (Catering Manager) and the kitchen team.

Menus adhere to the government’s nutritional standards and are planned with the help of a comprehensive analysis package and are approved by a Public Health Community Dietician. The Oak Kitchen take care to limit the amount of salt used in the menus and whenever possible food is oven baked to reduce the fat content to dishes. The menus are planned to limit the amount of refined sugar and to increase the use of fruit and vegetables. We use locally sourced meat provided by Goosemoor Foods based in Devon, which is a traditional family based business and we have weekly deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables from them too.  

Children can have a two course traditional school meal. We offer 3 choices of main meal including a meat based choice, a vegetarian option, a jacket potato with a choice of fillings or a sandwich option. Puddings range from a traditional offering of crumble and custard to chocolate and banana sponge or fruit salad and yoghurt. 

Menus run on a three weekly cycle with the occasional exception, Christmas dinner for example. Lunches need to booked at least ten days in advance and it is always recommended that you book as far in advance as possible. It is important that you stick to the deadlines for booking your child’s lunch.  This helps the production kitchen to plan and reduces waste.

Children with special dietary requirements are able to enjoy safe, substantial and balanced meals. We cater for all diets whether this is due to an allergy or a religious belief. All allergen information (regarding the 14 main allergens) is available on each menu which is sent out to parents in advance. We can cater for dairy free and gluten free diets and all food is available. Please let your school know if your child has any allergies. We can also provide a carb count menu for those children with diabetes.

All children in Year R and KS1 are entitled to universal free school meals. All pupils in KS2 are charged at £2.70 per day. Pupils in KS3 and KS4 are charged at £2.80 per day.

There are two further attachments which provide information regarding the purchase of meals and the menu.